Rugged Discipleship

Show me your friends I will show you your future.

Why Read Rugged Discipleship

This book will motivate Christians to be rugged. We want to see Rugged disciples who do Rugged Discipleship.  What do we mean by rugged? Dr. Angela Duckworth, in her groundbreaking TED Talk, discovered that the most successful people (students, soldiers, teachers, and athletes) have “grit” we like to call it rugged. We want Christians to be gritty, to be rugged! Rugged Christians are obedient, courageous, resilient, conscientious, possess humility and endurance, and strive for excellence.  They also have learned to laugh at themselves.  How do you produce rugged Christians? Rugged Discipleship!

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God, but our lives as well.
1 Thessalonians 2:8


Now Available

I highly recommend Steve's expertise generally to anyone (pastors, youth workers, lay workers, etc.) wanting to serve Christ by "reproducing reproducers."

-Dr. Jerry Root, Professor of Evangelism, Wheaton College Director of the Evangelism Initiative, Billy Graham Center for Evangelism.